
Starter code for the Duke project

View the Project on GitHub Janicetyy/duke

JAN v1.0

Jan is a task management bot that can remember all the tasks that you tell it. This user guide will help you get started and find out how you can play with it.


Use the Jar package from https://github.com/Janicetyy/duke/releases/tag/A-Jar


  1. Open Command Prompt in the directory where the JAR file is located.
  2. Run the command java -jar jan.jar


Command Description
list Display all the tasks that was created.
done [tasknum] Mark a completed task as done. Completed tasks will show a ✓ and ✘ otherwise.
delete [tasknum] Delete an existing task.
find [keyword] Find all tasks from existing list of tasks that contains the keyword
todo [item] Creates a new to-do task.
deadline [item] /by [datetime] Creates a new to-do task that has a deadline, hence to be completed by a specific date time.
event [item] /at [datetime] Creates an event type task that will take place at a specific date time.

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